Have efforts to deal with climate change failed?

Apr 22, 2023 #planet #glaciers
The state of the global climate is alarming, to say the least.

That's according to a report by the U
Apr 22, 2023 #planet #glaciers
The state of the global climate is alarming, to say the least.

That's according to a report by the UN's World Meteorological Organization.

It says people on every continent are being affected, after many records linked to climate change were broken last year.

Temperatures in oceans have also reached record-highs, with nearly 60 percent suffering at least one marine heatwave.

The report says trying to save glaciers is a lost cause, underlying the irreversible nature of climate trends on our planet.

But who is to blame?

And can anything be done to reverse them?

Presenter: Imran Khan


Leon Simons, climate researcher and board member of the Club of Rome.

David Holland, Professor of Mathematics and Atmosphere-Ocean Science in the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University.

Andrew Kruczkiewicz, Senior Researcher at Columbia University’s Climate School.


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