Shocking AI tools of Israel & complicity of Google in Gaza

Apr 13, 2024 #Aljazeeraenglish #israel #gaza
The algorithms that Big Tech designed - and the genocide they assisted. The Listening Post explore
Apr 13, 2024 #Aljazeeraenglish #israel #gaza
The algorithms that Big Tech designed - and the genocide they assisted. The Listening Post explores how Israel’s killing campaign of Palestinians has relied on artificial intelligence to choose its targets. A dystopian nightmare serves as a marketing campaign for technology flawed by design, and deepens the global digital divide.


Sophia Goodfriend – Researcher, Duke University

Mona Shtaya – Digital rights scholar

Matthew Mahmoudi – Researcher, Amnesty Tech

Sebastian Ben Daniel – Journalist, +972 Magazine

On our radar:

Nicaragua put Germany in the dock at the International Court of Justice, accusing it of facilitating genocide in Gaza. Germany is the second largest weapons supplier to Israel.

Meenakshi Ravi dissects the reaction from Berlin and the German media to the case.

Truth to power in wartime Ukraine

Three years into Ukraine’s war with Russia, journalists are feeling the pressure. Where once investigative outlet was relied on to expose Russian war crimes, they’re now undergoing Soviet-style surveillance by security services for exposing corruption in Ukraine.


Yaroslav Yurchyshyn – Ukrainian Member of Parliament and chair, Freedom of Speech Committee

Natalia Ligachova – Editor-in-Chief, Detector Media

Maria Zemlyanska – Investigative journalist, Bihus.Info

Denys Bihus – Founder, Bihus.Info


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