Seasonal crop burning of Thailand sparks air pollution and health crisis

Mar 19, 2024 #AljazeeraEnglish #Asthma #Thailand
Thailand’s Prime Minister is vowing to do whatever he can to tackle air pollution in the nor
Mar 19, 2024 #AljazeeraEnglish #Asthma #Thailand
Thailand’s Prime Minister is vowing to do whatever he can to tackle air pollution in the north of the country.
A giant cloud of hazardous smog has been created by forest fires - and farmers setting their land ablaze for crop clearance.
The smoke and ash from these fires contribute to air pollution, which can lead to respiratory problems and other health issues for local communities.
Chiang Mai has become one of the world’s most polluted cities because of high levels of fine-particle dust in the air.

Al Jazeera’s Tony Cheng reports from Chiang Mai in northern Thailand.


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