Israeli forces block road to al-Mughayyir village

Apr 13, 2024 #aljazeeralivenews #OccupiedWestBank #aljazeeraenglish
The Israeli forces have set up a checkpoint, preventing cars from going to
Apr 13, 2024 #aljazeeralivenews #OccupiedWestBank #aljazeeraenglish
The Israeli forces have set up a checkpoint, preventing cars from going to the al-Mughayyir village and surrounding villages that have been under attack by settlers.

We were expecting the funeral of the 25-year-old who was killed by settlers’ fire as they raided al-Mughayyir yesterday afternoon under the pretext of looking for a 14-year-old settler who went missing.

But the road had now been closed so the body had to be brought back to the hospital and the funeral had to stop.

There is a lot of fear of what could happen here as settlers are surrounding the area.


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