North Korea launches ICBM ahead of South Korea-Japan summit

Mar 16, 2023 #NorthKorea #SouthKorea #KoreanConflict
North Korea has fired an intercontinental ballistic missile into its eastern waters, just
Mar 16, 2023 #NorthKorea #SouthKorea #KoreanConflict
North Korea has fired an intercontinental ballistic missile into its eastern waters, just hours before South Korea’s president was due to fly to Japan for the first summit between the two countries in years, with the situation in nuclear-armed North Korea a key concern.

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said on Thursday morning Pyongyang had launched what appeared to be a banned ICBM.

Japan also detected the missile and the coast guard issued a warning to vessels to be vigilant of fallen objects.

Al Jazeera’s Rob McBride reports from Seoul, South Korea.


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