NASA unveils sleeker spacesuits for future US mission to Moon

Mar 16, 2023 #NASA #AxiomSpace #MoonMission
Moonwalking US astronauts of the future will have sleeker and more flexible spacesuits as NASA is d
Mar 16, 2023 #NASA #AxiomSpace #MoonMission
Moonwalking US astronauts of the future will have sleeker and more flexible spacesuits as NASA is ditching the puffy white suits worn by Neil Armstrong and his fellow Apollo astronauts half a century ago.

The United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) on Wednesday unveiled the first prototype for a newly-designed next-generation spacesuit, specially tailored and accessorised for the first astronauts expected to venture back to the Moon’s surface in the next few years.

Al Jazeera’s Alan Fisher reports.


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